Sunday, November 28, 2010

Outdoor Christmas Ideas: A Recent Project

Christmas!  It's already here! It seems that just as soon as we pack all of our decorations away, it's time to climb back up in the attic and pull them down again. If you're like me, you love this time of year and look forward to bedazzling your home in holiday glam. Christmas is that perfect time to try out an outrageous design idea or a color that you might not use year round. I like to experiment with new things each year during the holidays and really go over the top.
Following that notion, I wanted to share some pictures of a recent design that I did with my friend and fellow designer Christopher Shackelford at the Leu House in Orlando. Chris and I designed and decorated the front porch area of the 1888 home (located inside beautiful Leu Gardens) for the annual holiday open house. If you happen to be in the Orlando area during the holidays, please make a point to stop by. The home is beautiful and each room has been lavishly decorated inside, though we can't take credit for the interior decorations : ) The project had an additional caveat: we couldn't nail, glue, screw, or affix anything to the historic home that would harm it. Now THAT was a challenge!

Here are some pictures of our over the top, but still traditional design; I hope you can find some inspirations for your own home

'Till next time...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

David Hicks: A Design Inspiration

If you're a designer or decorator, you have heard of the name, David Hicks. He's one of my favorites and also the topic of a report that I am preparing for one of my design classes. I thought I would share some David Hicks' research from my report and also some of his amazing work for those who have not seen it.

David Hicks can be considered as one of the most influential interior designers of his generation.  Though his design firm was based in London, England, he was truly an international design phenomenon in the 1960’s and 70’s.  Hicks introduced clashing colors, geometrically patterned carpets, large-scale objects arranged in small spaces and compositions of curios and artworks, which he called tablescapes. Strong architectural elements and symmetry were important to him, and he pioneered a particular brand of eclecticism, mixing the finest antiques with the best modern pieces. He died in 1998.

Below are some of my favorite David Hicks' classic designs, courtesy of